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Rich dad poor dad

A book by Robert Kiyosaki, ISBN 978-1612680194

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It's been nearly 25 years since Rich Dad Poor Dad to Robert Kiyosaki first emerged in the field of Personal Finance.
It has since become the #1 personal finance book of all time… translated into dozens of languages ​​and sold around the world.

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Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki

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Rich dad poor dad reviews
Alex W. Wilmington

Honestly other books by Robert Kiyosaki were a bit more helpful for me. But anyway, Rich dad poor dad is another great piece of content
Rich dad poor dad reviews
Lucia Berlin

Well, the "Rich dad poor dad"" PDF is not the easiest one to read, neither it`s a simplest one to understand. Although, it`s a MUST!
Rich dad poor dad reviews
clar Gupta Los Angeles

From the professional point of view there`s nothing new in Rich dad poor dad. But at the end of the day, Robert Kiyosaki made it extremely engaging and motivating!
Rich dad poor dad reviews
Jack Putz New York

I really enjoyed this book - Robert Kiyosaki did an awesome job! Probably Rich dad poor dad is the best book I read last years
Rich dad poor dad reviews
yourlawyer2020 Alex W. London

Thanks Robert Kiyosaki - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
Rich dad poor dad reviews
piccolino25 Cox Houston

Awesome book!
Rich dad poor dad reviews
Radj Toronto

Rich dad poor dad ebook is a good option. I wouldn`t recommend to buy a hardcover, but for me the digital version worked well. Robert Kiyosaki is a top-level prefessional!