Money is the oil that keeps the machinery of our world turning. By giving goods and services an easily measured value, money facilitates the billions of transactions that take place every day. Without it, the industry and trade that form the basis of modern economies would grind to a halt and the flow of wealth around the world would cease.
As of 2025-02-16, I suppose that How Money Works by Dorling Kindersley is still among the best books in its niche. Brilliant!
Lawrence H. Berlin
You can`t run busness without reading How Money Works by Dorling Kindersley. Nuff said.
Michael New York
WOW. "How Money Works"" is a really good one on this topic. Honestly, haven`t read any other books from Dorling Kindersley, but he seems to be real genius!
Amelie_1998 Prague
Got a kindle version of How Money Works - really amazing! Dorling Kindersley one love :)
Jack Houston
Honestly other books by Dorling Kindersley were a bit more helpful for me. But anyway, How Money Works is another great piece of content
Tom Lazcovitz GuptaWilmington
I think How Money Works is that popular for a reason - Dorling Kindersley did a really good job
Alex W. _2001Pasadena
I really enjoyed this book - Dorling Kindersley did an awesome job! Probably How Money Works is the best book I read last years