The initial idea to popularize my more academic The Bubble and Beyond came from my agent Mel Flashman, who arranged for its German publication. This book includes apolitical commentary on the U.S., Irish, Latvian and Greek economies, much of which I originally published in Counterpunch, so it is appropriate that Jeffrey St. Clair is publishing this as a Counterpunch e-book. He has made many helpful editorial suggestions that I have followed.
Honestly other books by Michael Hudson were a bit more helpful for me. But anyway, KILLING THE HOST is another great piece of content
Radj RobinsonCalifornia
As of 2025-03-07, I suppose that KILLING THE HOST by Michael Hudson is still among the best books in its niche. Brilliant!
Lucia New York
Got a kindle version of KILLING THE HOST. Well-readable and even thrilling - to the extent a business book can be so. Kudos to Michael Hudson!
thegreenone GuptaNew Orleans
I bought KILLING THE HOST hardcover edition on Amazon - arrived today, 2025-03-07, so far Im completely satisfied with the book quality
Tom Lazcovitz SmithPasadena
From the professional point of view there`s nothing new in KILLING THE HOST. But at the end of the day, Michael Hudson made it extremely engaging and motivating!
piccolino25 LazcovitzBerlin
well...KILLING THE HOST is surely the best I`ve read on the topic
Andrew2001 PutzNY
Thanks Michael Hudson - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.