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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions

A book by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl, ISBN 978-1119706182

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A recent update to the world's bestseller in investment banking and valuation, this new edition reflects the valuable contributions of Nasdaq and global law firm Latham & Watkins LLP, as well as access to online valuation models and courses.

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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions by Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl

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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions book PDF free download

In the ever-changing world of finance, a solid technical foundation is an essential tool for success. However, due to the fast pace of this world, no one could take the time to properly code his elixir of life - namely, evaluation and doing business. Rosenbaum and Pearl originally responded to this need in 2009 by writing the first edition of the book they wished existed when they tried to break into Wall Street.

Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A and IPOs, 3rd Edition is an easily accessible and authoritative book from investment bankers that explains how the valuation and financial analysis work at the heart of Wall Street is done: peers, past transactions, DCF, LBO, M&A analysis ... and now IPO analysis and valuation. Using a step-by-step approach to each methodology, the authors build a chronological knowledge base and define key terms, financial concepts, and processes throughout the book.

The genesis of the original book dates back to the authors' personal experiences during job interviews in the investment banking industry. As the two went through the rigorous process independently, they realized that their classroom experience was one step away from how assessments and financial analysis were conducted in real-life situations. As a result, they created this book with the goal of tripping people or starting a career on Wall Street, from undergraduate and graduate students to "career changes" looking to enter the world of finance.

Rosenbaum and Pearl PDF

Now, more than 10 years after the publication of the first edition, the book is more relevant than ever. Used in over 200 universities around the world, it has become a go-to resource for investment banks, private equity, investment firms and companies conducting mergers and acquisitions, LBOs, IPOs, restructuring and investment decisions. Although the fundamentals have not changed, the environment must adapt to changing market developments and conditions. As a result, Rosenbaum and Pearl updated their widely distributed book accordingly, transforming the latest edition of Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A and IPOs into a single, comprehensive training package that includes:

Two new IPO chapters and in-depth contributions from Nasdaq, the leading US public and technology provider for IPOs and new listings, and global law firm Latham & Watkins LLP.

Investment banking Rosenbaum PDF

Access to six downloadable valuation models including comparable company analysis, past transaction analysis, discounted cash flow analysis, leveraged buyout analysis and M&A models.

Six-month access to the online assessment course for Wiley Investment Banking with short lessons, over five hours of video lessons, over 100 practice questions and other investment banking tools.

Start your career on Wall Street and hone your financial skills with the hands-on knowledge and forward-thinking guidance of Rosenbaum and Pearl in the latest edition of Investment Banking: Valuation, LBO, M&A and IPO.

Investment banking Rosenbaum PDF book reviews

Investment banking book Rosenbaum PDF review by SClemmons

" The best valuation book on the market, Investment Banking makes the concept easy to understand with great examples that walk the student from start to finish. I used this book in my M&A course against the text I was assigned because it was so much better than anything on the market. "

Investment banking book Rosenbaum PDF review by Anelise P. Oliveira

" One could not expect a better publication to familiarize yourself with this intrinsic area of ​​knowledge and information. It appears to be just the primary source of reference in this regard so far. His in-depth treatment of all the topics involved brings the clearest and most detailed learning tool to anyone interested in this complex issue today. "

Rosenbaum and Pearl PDF review by Clem

" It is a very good book for professionals working in the different areas of Corporate Bankin. He explains very well the dynamics of financial statements and the impact of corporate events. Ot is also very convenient for a job application. Explains the theory required to understand the application in the real world. "

Investment banking: valuation, leveraged buyouts, and mergers and acquisitions PDF review by Curtis Chapin

" I graduated in finance while in college and currently work in FP&A for a Fortune 100 company. I understand a lot about finance, but I am not an investment banker at all. This book is the perfect combination of in-depth analysis, while not being too technical that you cannot understand it. It is by no means written for the layman, but with a little financial experience and access to a computer to Google words / concepts every now and then, you can read this book in no time and have a much better understanding of IB. "

Investment banking Joshua Rosenbaum PDF review by BCM

" When I was in my thirties, I decided to pursue a career on Wall Street after having spent the previous decade as a political agent and entrepreneur. When I took the leap, I had no idea that I was at a disadvantage because I had never completed an analytics program at any of the Wall Street majors. Besides, I did not have an MBA degree and I did not complete a single undergraduate course in accounting or finance. Needless to say, I didn't have the skills to make valuations - the blood of life, finance and investment decisions. For the first few years, I stumbled in the dark trying to build a career and discover for myself the skills I need to be successful. I often felt weaker than bankers and analysts who had more experience. "

Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Radj Dawkins Los Angeles

I really enjoyed this book - Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl did an awesome job! Probably Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions is the best book I read last years
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Andrew2001 Gupta NY

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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Jack Smith Melbourne

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Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Lucia Cox California

Thanks Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Michael Alex W. New Orleans

well...Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions is surely the best I`ve read on the topic
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Christine Wilmington

Well, the "Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions"" PDF is not the easiest one to read, neither it`s a simplest one to understand. Although, it`s a MUST!
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions reviews
Amelie_1998 Robinson Massachusetts

Joshua Rosenbaum, Joshua Pearl thank you so much for this book! Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts and Mergers and Acquisitions is incredibly insighful!