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How Business Works

A book by Georgina Palffy, ISBN 978-1465429797

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Every type of business has to choose an ownership structure. Although there are variations globally, most countries offer similar types of legal entities, from a single- person private enterprise to a massive organization trading on a stock exchange. There are three key considerations: how big the venture is expected to grow; the complexity of financial recording, management, and reporting that the proprietor is willing to take on; and the amount of liability the owner is willing to accept.

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How Business Works by Georgina Palffy

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How Business Works reviews
Radj Melbourne

1) Must read. 2) Must read. 3) Must read. P.S. Many thanks Georgina Palffy for this book - How Business Works is simply the best!!!
How Business Works reviews
thegreenone Los Angeles

Georgina Palffy thank you so much for this book! How Business Works is incredibly insighful!
How Business Works reviews
Jenny Putz Summers Berlin

I think How Business Works is that popular for a reason - Georgina Palffy did a really good job
How Business Works reviews
Michael TX

Thanks Georgina Palffy - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
How Business Works reviews
Amelie_1998 Alex W. Prague

Honestly other books by Georgina Palffy were a bit more helpful for me. But anyway, How Business Works is another great piece of content
How Business Works reviews
yourlawyer2020 Putz NY

WOW. "How Business Works"" is a really good one on this topic. Honestly, haven`t read any other books from Georgina Palffy, but he seems to be real genius!
How Business Works reviews
Tom Lazcovitz Robinson Houston

From the professional point of view there`s nothing new in How Business Works. But at the end of the day, Georgina Palffy made it extremely engaging and motivating!