Funky Business

A book by K. Nordström, J. Ridderstråle, ISBN

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Funky Business is a self-help book, but a very different one. Rather than telling people what to think, it is an invitation to think about the changes that are currently reshaping our societies, industries, companies, jobs and, indeed, our personal lives. Rather than harvesting a single crop from a single field, we went in search of patterns crossing many different disciplines and levels of analysis. Hopefully, this guide to our times will help a few of you to make smarter choices, or at least to understand that not making a choice is also a choice. You just cannot avoid choosing. So, choose wisely.

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Funky Business by K. Nordström, J. Ridderstråle

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UNKSTER NO 1: Kjell A. Nordström

Kjell is based at the Institute of International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics. He received his PhD before helping found the pres- tigious Advanced Management Program, which attracts the elite of Scandinavian business leaders. Kjell’s research has focused on interna- tionalization. Forget dry theories, Kjell’s ideas work. He makes things happen. In the real world, Kjell is on the board of directors of a number of international companies. He has also advised and acted as a consult- ant to many other organisations across the globe.

FUNKSTER No 2: Jonas Ridderstråle

Based at the Centre for Advanced Studies in Leadership at the Stockholm School of Economics, Jonas Ridderstråle is at the forefront of the new generation of European-based business gurus. Jonas has an MBA and a doctorate and is author of a book on global innovation. He has run the Advanced Management Program at the Stockholm School of Economics. Jonas is an advisor, lecturer and consultant to a number of international companies. He has enabled them to look to the future more creatively and to develop dynamic strategies and organizational solutions. In his spare- time he is an art collector and backs one of Sweden ́s funkiest galleries.

Funky Business reviews
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Funky Business reviews
Jack Robinson Wilmington

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Funky Business reviews
piccolino25 Massachusetts

You can`t run busness without reading Funky Business by K. Nordström, J. Ridderstråle. Nuff said.
Funky Business reviews
Michael _2001 TX

I really enjoyed this book - K. Nordström, J. Ridderstråle did an awesome job! Probably Funky Business is the best book I read last years
Funky Business reviews
Lucia Berlin

I think Funky Business is that popular for a reason - K. Nordström, J. Ridderstråle did a really good job
Funky Business reviews
Amelie_1998 Alex W. New Orleans

Thanks K. Nordström, J. Ridderstråle - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
Funky Business reviews
yourlawyer2020 Cox London

Awesome book!