Exporting Essentials

A book by laurel J Delaney, ISBN

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Exporting Essentials, a derivation of Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably, equips you with the basics to export successfully. Whereas Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably covers everything from internet marketing to e-commerce, web globalization to cross-cultural learning, Exporting Essentials supplies the nuts and bolts to export in a fast, hard-hitting manner.

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Exporting Essentials by laurel J Delaney

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laurel J delaney is founder and president of Chicago-based globetrade.com, a management consulting company that helps entrepreneurs and small businesses go global. the United states small Business administration has recognized Ms. Delaney as a world-renowned global small business expert by naming her the illinois Exporter of the Year. she is the author of Start and Run a Profitable Exporting Business and Exporting: The Definitive Guide to Selling Abroad Profitably, as well as numerous articles that have appeared in international and scholarly publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The Conference Board. she is the creator of the global small Business Blog (http://www.globalsmallbusinessblog.com), which is ranked no. 1 in the worldforentrepreneursandsmallbusinessesinterestedingoingglobal, Women Entrepreneurs groW global (www.WomenEntrepreneursGROWGlobal.org) and Exporting guide (http://www.ExportingGuide.com). she serves as the about.com import & Export expert (http://importexport.about.com/), is a charter member and a board member by appointment of the World Entrepreneurship Forum, and a member of the international Council for small Business. she also serves as the Chicago Chapter Chair for the Women presidents’ organization. Ms. Delaney’s passion for going global goes back to 1985, when she first started her business. since then, she has devoted more than 60,000 hours of work in the area—from consulting to writing to teaching. Ms. Delaney holds a Bachelor of arts degree in advertising from Columbia College Chicago and a Master in Business administration from lake Forest graduate school of Management.

Exporting Essentials reviews
Lawrence H. Alex W. New Orleans

Got a kindle version of Exporting Essentials - really amazing! laurel J Delaney one love :)
Exporting Essentials reviews
clar Robinson California

Exporting Essentials ebook is a good option. I wouldn`t recommend to buy a hardcover, but for me the digital version worked well. laurel J Delaney is a top-level prefessional!
Exporting Essentials reviews
Tom Lazcovitz _2001 Houston

As of 2024-07-27, I suppose that Exporting Essentials by laurel J Delaney is still among the best books in its niche. Brilliant!
Exporting Essentials reviews
Radj Putz Toronto

Thanks laurel J Delaney - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
Exporting Essentials reviews
Jenny Putz Berlin

Surely Exporting Essentials is among the must-read books for every entrepreneur. Bravo laurel J Delaney!
Exporting Essentials reviews
Andrew2001 Gupta London

You can`t run busness without reading Exporting Essentials by laurel J Delaney. Nuff said.
Exporting Essentials reviews
thegreenone NY

I think Exporting Essentials is that popular for a reason - laurel J Delaney did a really good job