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Everyday Millionaires

A book by Chris Hogan, ISBN 9780977489527

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Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth - and How You Can Too. PDF / Audio CD / Paperback editions.

We hear negative financial news everywhere - that the American Dream is dead or the little man is getting stuck. Our culture feeds us with the lie that it is impossible to become a millionaire in America today, but it is time to hear the truth.

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Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan

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In his latest book, Everyday Millionaires: How Ordinary People Built Extraordinary Wealth - and How You Can Too, Chris Hogan destroys millionaire myths that keep ordinary people from gaining financial independence. Chris and the Ramsey research team surveyed over 10,000 U.S. millionaires and found how these wealthy people achieved their financial status. And the formula might surprise you. Millionaire status doesn't require inheriting a lot of money or having a high paying job. No. The road to becoming a millionaire is paved with common tools - tools you either already have or can be learned. If you thought you could never become a millionaire, think again. Listen and learn from over 10,000 everyday millionaires who have done it and believe you can too.

In Everyday Millionaires, #1 national bestselling author Chris Hogan will show you how ordinary people have built extraordinary wealth - and how you can too. You will learn how millionaires live on less than they earn, avoid debt, invest, are disciplined and responsible! This book is based on the largest study ever conducted on 10,000 US millionaires - and the results will shock you! You will learn that building wealth has next to nothing to do with your income or your track record! It doesn't matter where you come from. It's important where you're going.

Most people think that it takes a lot of knowledge, a huge salary, a lucky break or a huge inheritance to become a millionaire. But that couldn't be further from the truth! Here's what you need to understand: If you're willing to do the work - if you follow the things we teach you, if you commit to our plan - then you CAN become a millionaire.

Everyday Millionaires book summary

What is a millionaire?

Hogan claims there is an emotional and mathematical component to the word "millionaire". Emotionally, most people want to someday experience financial independence (FI).

My goal for this site is to provide the white coat community with information to become debt free and achieve FI. The math component is something that can get confusing when you ask random people about their definition of a millionaire. The true definition is simply someone with a net worth of $1 million dollars or more.

In The Millionaire Next Door, its authors also used the same definition: Net worth = Assets – Liabilities Ex: If Dr. A has a home worth $300,000 and owes $200,000, his equity in the home would be $100,000.

Everyday Millionaires reviews
Christine Pasadena

Got a kindle version of Everyday Millionaires. Well-readable and even thrilling - to the extent a business book can be so. Kudos to Chris Hogan!
Everyday Millionaires reviews
Radj Lazcovitz Massachusetts

I think Everyday Millionaires is that popular for a reason - Chris Hogan did a really good job
Everyday Millionaires reviews
Michael Houston

WOW. "Everyday Millionaires"" is a really good one on this topic. Honestly, haven`t read any other books from Chris Hogan, but he seems to be real genius!
Everyday Millionaires reviews
Lucia Gupta TX

1) Must read. 2) Must read. 3) Must read. P.S. Many thanks Chris Hogan for this book - Everyday Millionaires is simply the best!!!
Everyday Millionaires reviews
piccolino25 _2001 California

As of 2024-11-11, I suppose that Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan is still among the best books in its niche. Brilliant!
Everyday Millionaires reviews
Alex W. Dawkins London

Thanks Chris Hogan - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
Everyday Millionaires reviews
Andrew2001 Alex W. Prague

You can`t run busness without reading Everyday Millionaires by Chris Hogan. Nuff said.