The acceptance of project management as a profession indicates that the application of knowledge, processes, skills, tools, and techniques can have a significant impact on project success. The PMBOKยฎ Guide identifies that subset of the project management body of knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice.
Surely A Guide to the Project Management Body of KnowledGe is among the must-read books for every entrepreneur. Bravo Project Management Institute!
Christine RobinsonNew York
Thanks Project Management Institute - the book PDF is insightful and definitely makes sense.
Lawrence H. GuptaLos Angeles
WOW. "A Guide to the Project Management Body of KnowledGe"" is a really good one on this topic. Honestly, haven`t read any other books from Project Management Institute, but he seems to be real genius!
yourlawyer2020 CoxNew Orleans
well...A Guide to the Project Management Body of KnowledGe is surely the best I`ve read on the topic
Michael Pasadena
I bought A Guide to the Project Management Body of KnowledGe hardcover edition on Amazon - arrived today, 2025-02-22, so far Im completely satisfied with the book quality
Lucia Alex W.Wilmington
As of 2025-02-22, I suppose that A Guide to the Project Management Body of KnowledGe by Project Management Institute is still among the best books in its niche. Brilliant!